Look who got herself a blog... i was never into the whole blogging thing but hey....a hell lot of things happen to you when you are sick and tired of calculateing the next time the uterine lining is gonna start shedding.
well yeah so i just gave the blog a head start with a couple of pictures. Trust me a lot of whacked up nonsense happens when you explore AMK with dear fiona! it was whacked up but hilarious. it was cool. and i did do something productive with my life yesterday i covered one chap of history and one chap of ss. so my day wasn't too bad :)
well today woke up in the morning and went to the gym and ran 2.4. felt good. came home took a shower and desperately tried to cover one chap of history. and apparently it isn't working too well.
the week's been pretty fine so far. we had english prep prelims yesterday. well i guess it was not too bad. the usuals... i will return when i feel that i have enough mental capacity to post something decent :)